Help Save The Whales!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

World Saving Tip of the Day

We all need to do our part. One of the simplest acts that we can take can have a profound affect on our world's ecology. There are many methods, and resources, available in the area of Water Conservation. The use and availability of running water is a privilege many have taken for granted. It is not until something directly affects an individual just how much water is used, and needed.

We drink it, clean and wash with it, cook with it. The numerous uses for water are almost limitless, though the availability of it is not. There are 1.1 billion people on the planet who live in areas who lack access to safe water, and there are 2.6 billion that are without proper sanitation.

Those of us that have the privilege of clean, running water must be aware of the gift that has been given to us, and not abuse what we could one day lose if we do not make changes.
Low-flow is a fairly simple option. Reduce the amount of personal water consumption by turning off the tap when not in use, install low-flow heads to faucets and shower heads, or install a low-flow toilet. Take shorter showers. This can easily reduce personal water consumption by a third.

Avoid bottled water. It takes the equivalent of eight bottles of water to make one plastic bottle, which could spend a great many years in a landfill or floating the ocean if not recycled properly. And think, does it really make sense to be paying for something that you can get for free? Invest in a stainless steel water bottle that you can take with you. That makes sense.

For those with yards or gardens, choose to water them early morning or later at night, when the temperature is cooler, and there is less evaporation.

Replace old, water-using appliances with "Energy Star" models. They can use up to 40% less water, and 60% less energy.

Avoid all chemical cleaners! The effects on marine life from humanities ignorance can be devastating to marine life; including reduced fertility, genetic deformities, immune system damage, increased incidence of tumors, and death. This poisoned water will eventually end up in your very own water supply. The chemicals that you clean with will make their way back to you, causing much damage along the way. Ban the use of chemical cleaners and pesticides!

You can learn how much water it takes to produce everyday products at

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